Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Worship Wednesday

I love this song.....His love never fails us. So assuring.....so true, so sure! He loves you and whatever you are going through He is going to see you through it. You may wonder why, but it's all for His glory and for His purpose. We may never know the why we just have to trust that He will see us through our circumstance. He makes all things work together for your good, remember that. Romans 8:28

Be blessed in knowing that, He's got this for you. Just trust Him.period.

"Keep Calm and Carry on God's got this!"

By His Grace & Mercy,

Monday, September 24, 2012

Week 3- Living & Active Challenge: Craving Conquerers

Week 3...already we are at week 3....times goes by fast when your having a blessed time. Last week I changed it up a bit, I felt that the Turbo Fire wasn't working out for me as I thought it would. And I have found a new workout plan that I am doing and already see a difference in a short amount of time and in shorter time periods. This will help me because I am a working mom and I don't want to devote 1 hr to working out everyday. I found a plan that I can cut the time by 3/4 and still do the same work for less time and not do it every day and still have better results. I will only need to do it 4 times a week. So this is best for my needs. I felt the other one just took to much time away from my family, and that wasn't my focus. Things that take too much time away from your family is not a good thing. Thank you Lord for showing me that, now if I was a stay at home mom it probably would have worked out better. I just really need to spend my time wisely, and needed something different. Don't get me wrong Turbo Fire is great and works for most people, just wasn't cutting it for me. So no hard feelings. There's my turbo fire update. I did love doing the HIIT 15, 20, 25 workouts. Short and sweet and got to the point. lol

I'm really excited to give this new one a try. Once I see results and am doing it for awhile I'll let you in on what I am using. It's actually a little bit of this plan and a workout my husband showed me to do that works outs yoru whole body at once.

Ok..now back to the challenge: Craving Conquerers....
This is a struggle for me so this should be good. Really looking forward to it. I love what Clare shares in her devotion...."We want to conquerer cravings because we don't want anything controlling or conquering us". AMen to that, but sweets are so hard to conquer. Another thing she said that struck a cord {good one}...."Cravings in our life--be it physical, emotional, or relational, are often a reflector of something lacking in our lives." This is interesting....so what am I lacking? I need to get to the bottom of this! Ok, so she says if we are craving sweets, we are often lacking from {the right} type of carbs. Hmmm...interesting....yay glad to know that.

I love this challenge she leaves for us.....
1. List your top 3 cravings {not just food oriented}
2. List when you have them {after dinner, after seeing a friend {?}, after work..etc
3. Are these cravings from the world? Are they coming from a sin nature? If yes, then commit to praying about them. Consider talking to a close friend about them.
4. If they pass #3, then manage the cravings. Take control of your cravings. Don't ever let them take control of you!!

So here's my top 3 cravings
1. Sweets
2. Sweets
3. Yummy Drinks loaded w/ tons of sweetness

Do you see a pattern? LOL

Blessings & Grace

Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 2 - Living & Active: Dedicated Daily

I've made it to week 2, by the grace of God...thank you Jesus! I love this weeks memory verse. This is a verse that is near and dear to my heart. Being a recovering worry wart, this verse helped me many times.

You can download this printable at Peak 313 here, I love it I printed it out and keep it close to my computer. She has some great info on her website, so be sure to go check it out.

Well this week the workouts went good. I changed some things up a bit at the end of the week and incorporated running back into my routine. I miss running and since it's a little cooler in the mornings and evenings..it's time to start up again.

I am in the word daily, first thing I do {this is just me, everyone is different}. And I started a new on-line bible study with Good Morning Girls, so that's very exciting! Last weeks memory verse is a good one.

Though one may be overpowered....satan loves to defeat us when we are alone
Two can defend themselves.........someone is there to help you and encourage you along the way
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.....having the Lord as center of it all is the best covering ever.

I'm excited for this week and all that it entails!!

God Bless your journey...

In His Grace,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 1 - Living and Active: Tied Together


Yay...it's week 1 of "Living and Active" Challenge. I'm really excited about this!! It's an added blessing to what I am already doing. Spiritually and physically! :)

Ok so if you are joining me in this challenge please make sure to go to Peak313 for some printable downloads and more info. There is alot of info for this first week, but she said other weeks are going to be not so much.

Here is our info for the week, she also has a printable on this and a really cool calendar.

Scripture Memory (aka, “Soul Food”) Ecclesiastes 4:12
I love what she says in her post "We are stronger together than we are apart". You are not alone in this journey, we are right here with you.

The Challenge: Find at least one other person to join you on the "Living Active Challenge". commit to checking in with each other twice a week in both areas {physically and spirtually}.

Clare also has a few printables of the workouts she has recommended. I am going to be doing what I am already doing....Turbo Fire and then adding some more exercises a little later on down the road.

So if you haven't already go check out her site. I'm really looking forward to this challenge!

By His Grace,


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Challenge and Update!!!

Hi y'all!!!

I've missed being on here and sharing my fitness journey....but I needed to take a sabatical from social media. I'm back now and am excited to share a New Fitness Challenge I joined! Wooho!!

Hop on over to PEAK313 and give Clare a visit and check it out.

Her goals and passion for this challenge is to get you into God’s Word which holds the keys to getting us Living & Active! I love it!

I love what she says in her spiritual goal section: "My faith lays the groundwork for everything I do and the upkeep of my body and health is included in that!" And I totally agree with this...this is why I started this blog to share this very thing. Our faith comes first then the stewardship over our bodies.

Here is a challenge goal, starting next week, she has laid out:

CHALLENGE GOAL: Memorize the new weekly verse/Soul Food (as well as maintaining prior weeks) and do the key challenge.

If you would like to join us go check out her website at the link above or here . I will be sharing every Monday my journey through this!!

Update on my fitness journey: I am still doing Turbo Fire, on week 6...woohoo!! My good eating habits are imporving. I definitley have seen a differnce in my endurance and strength. Although, I have been battling fatigue {more often} and joint aches {more often}. And I've managed to push myself through the pains of it, takes alot of determination. By God's grace...He is seeing me throught it.  I believe I have found out what all that is deriving from, what's the cause of me feeling so weak and fatigue all the time. Me finding this out has been an answer to prayer, because I'm tired of feeling tired all the time and my body feeling like it just can't anymore. I for sure thought that working out and eating healthy would help me. Which it has some what, some days are good and some days are worse. I've been to numerous Dr's over the years and have blood tests and for them to tell me it's just wear and tear or me getting older or it's normal. I just had a hard time believing that, I know my body and something is just not right.  I have been praying about it daily, more so now because it is affecting me more each day. And recently a very close friend of mine sent me some information, without her knowing what I really have been going through, about a particular thing I have. And it made sense it answered alot of my questions about my health.  I will share this on another post here or on my other blog ,when i confirm this may be the cause. But I have a good inclination that it is the cause. It seems its the only logical answer for me right now.  I will let you know when I do post it.

Praise God I am still able to do the daily exercises and eat better!! He is soo good!

By His Grace,