Day 1:
Healthy Choices: far this week I've been cutting down on sweets. But yesterday I really cut down and challenged myself to say "No". Even coming from church last night I had a challenge. I'm so used to going in the fridge and grabbin something sweet. So, I opened the fridge, like usual, but remembered "Hey! We are changing our eating habits and it starts now!" I kind of did what a little one would do when you tell them no they can's have somthing.."Hhhhmmmm". So I shut the door, opened the cabinet and remembered I had some kettle corn for kids from Fresh and Easy. They have no artifical flavors, colors, or preservatives, made with 100% whole grain and come in small packages. Only 65 calories and 2.5 grams of fat, and 3 grams of sugar. So not bad, it satisfied that craving. I was going for the frosting the first time, so glad I said No. But boy that was hard!
Fitness Program: I will be doing "Turbo Fire", a sweet sis recommended it to me. Thanks Girl!! And I did some research on it and loved it! Chalene Johnson is the founder of Turbo Fire, Turbo Kick and Turbo Jam. I was really excited about it because there are so many transformation stories, from all ages and sizes. It's for everyone. They use the HIIT program High Intense Intrevals Training.
This morning I started her starter video, they send it to once you sign up to get you pumped for the DVD's before they arrive. I was only able to do 1/2 of it. But it's ok, it's a start right. I will be finishing it tonight. I'm really looking forward and can't wa it until it arrives. It will get my body in the mind set at what's it's about to embarq. Update: I did the whole video last night and it was amazing!!! My oldest joined me and she liked it to.
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